Reporting Examples
Examples of reporting available at Censuswide.
Missions and values are the foundational beliefs that give brands purpose and inform how they operate in the marketplace.
Much of the time, brands’ missions and values are banished to the confines of their About Us page.
And yet, they could be the very thing that set brands apart in a world where consumers are almost constantly bombarded with choices of where to spend their hard-earned cash.
Censuswide set out to discover just how important brands’ missions and values are to consumers, and whether it might be time for brands to bring this fundamental part of their identity to the forefront of their marketing strategy.
Below, you will find examples of the additional reporting that we offer that highlight the results of this survey, as well as a rates card for each type. As standard we send reports in Excel Tables and a VI Box.
PowerPoint Reporting with Headlines Example
Virtual Insight Dashboard (Standard)
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Virtual Insight Dashboard (Bespoke)
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